We support you with our excellent telephone services at the highest quality level.
Our original field of application is the classic high-quality field service.
At the express request of the client, we are also very happy to provide support in our upstream and downstream processes, such as questionnaire creation or data analysis, to name a few examples. With our partner networks and their experts, we are also able to offer these process steps at the highest quality level.
Everything from one source, supervised by proven experts in every process step!
Our high capacities enable us to implement your projects quickly and efficiently. Our workflows are designed to be effective and flexible - from the translation of the questionnaire to the study setup with programming, sampling and quota setting to the heart of each project, the data collection, to the provision of dashboards for your continuous information and finally to the data delivery or analysis.
All our projects are managed centrally and out of our own conviction there is no subcontracting, all projects are handled exclusively within our own group of companies.
In both the B2C and B2B sectors, we have many years of experience and expertise in conducting sometimes very complex study designs and large sample sizes. We have a great deal of know-how in the high-level decision-maker area of the most diverse markets and the health sector with all the associated segments. Complex topics from the most diverse segments of industry and institutions are therefore just as much a part of our daily field of activity as representative population surveys or target group studies. In any case, a high level of transparency towards our clients is a given for us.